There is a a point in life when you get tired of trying to fix everything and trying to make everyone happy and then you finally decide to quit and let go.
letting go does not mean that you are weak or giving up but it shows you are strong enough to see or realise that the path you have taken is not for you. Our past mistakes seem to control our future because we still keep on holding to them and sometimes we let our minds control our bodies. Letting go can only be easy if u are prepared to let go. holding on to something that you know is not worth holding on is very hurtful, it does not only destroy your heart but can destroy your soul too. Sometimes we have to sacrifice the things we love, we have to let go the people we love go and set them free because there is a good reason they cannot make it to your future. Being around people who don't really serve your interests will not make you any happier, it will only hurt and make it difficult for you to go on with your life.
When you let go and set something or someone free, you have to prepare yourself. allow your heart to grieve, allow yourself to cry. You must also let go of the anger and hatred. this is not a sign of weakness but it's a sign that you are stronger even if you cry everyday There will be a day when you wake up and realise that the tears have dried the anger is gone and this will lead to forgiveness and a forgiving heart is a happy heart. Holding grudges can only be hurtful to the person who is holding the grudge because you will always carry the hurt and the anger that is inside. You will never allow your heart to be free if you are still angry about the past.
Never hold on to something that is not worth you while, let go of the past and forgive and forget. Allow your heart to be free........
[image from google]
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