The happiest time of my life is when I get to be around my family. Studyin in Cape Town is the best thing that ever happened to my life but it separates me from my loved ones.
When it's holiday time, I become so happy, I sometimes feel like jumping up n down with joy.Being at school is great and my life in Cape Town is great too but there is always one thing that is missing and that's my family. Living alone is fun but sometimes the loneliness gets to me. I sometimes sit in my room and just think and when I do that I know that my heart is longing for love. I know I have made some good friends who have made life easier, friends who are caring but somehow they never fill that space.
I sometimes look at them and thank God that I have them but my heart would still hurt and my mind will think back and miss home even more. Althought it's been four years but my heart doesn't want to get used to this life style.I always look at the calendar n look forward to holiday time and when finally the Semester ends and I cannot wait to get on a bus ande get home and that's the happiest time of my life.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
Let God be the judge

It is so hard to do the things you want to do when you know that people are always looking at your direction, waiting for you to make a mistake and then start pointing fingers or talk behind your back.
Imagine how simple life would be if there weren't so many people who'd rather occupy themselves with your life than focus on their own. I believe we all make mistakes and mistakes are a part of life and it's a way that we all learn and people have no right to judge us because of the mistakes we make. We end up letting go and not doing the things we love and make us happy because we are afraid of what people would think and what they would say. We are afraid to dress up in public because we are scared that people might not like the colour of the dress, the shape of our body etc but who are they to judge?
There is a saying in xhosa that "undibilisela amanzi nje kanti nawakho ayatsholoza" this basically means that when you point a finger at a person you forget how many fingers that are actually pointing at you. We should not judge people or be ready to point out their mistakes, we don't know what the future holds, we might be in the same situation one day. We must let people leave their own lives, make their own mistakes and learn from them. We are afraid to love the people we like so much because we are afraid what others would think.
Ithink it is only fair to let god be the judge because anyways who are we to Judge?......
Thursday, March 22, 2012
We are what we do

Have you ever heard the saying that "our actions truly define our characters"? well, i don't really believe in this statement.
I truly do not believe that our actions truly define our characters because I believe that our actions are only a little piece of who we are. We should also consider thoughts and emotions because they are just as important. Our behavior can tell us a bit about how we react in certain situations but cannot completely define our character. For example, you are in a bad mood after a long day and you take out your frustrations on somebody else and start shouting at them, does your actions make you a bad person? i don't think so but people around you will judge you as a rude or an unfriendly person where as deep down you are a nice person.
I also believe on the fact that actions are based in judgement and moral value but sometimes certain situations make us act in certain manners and it is not right for people to judge us based on our actions because we all make mistakes. Sometimes good people make bad choices and bad people cover their bad characters by doing good things just to deceive people so we cannot entirely look and judge people by what they do because this does not define who they are.
Sometimes what we do affects our attitude but that does not mean people should determine our true characters by what we do but by who we are deep down in our hearts.
I truly do not believe that our actions truly define our characters because I believe that our actions are only a little piece of who we are. We should also consider thoughts and emotions because they are just as important. Our behavior can tell us a bit about how we react in certain situations but cannot completely define our character. For example, you are in a bad mood after a long day and you take out your frustrations on somebody else and start shouting at them, does your actions make you a bad person? i don't think so but people around you will judge you as a rude or an unfriendly person where as deep down you are a nice person.
I also believe on the fact that actions are based in judgement and moral value but sometimes certain situations make us act in certain manners and it is not right for people to judge us based on our actions because we all make mistakes. Sometimes good people make bad choices and bad people cover their bad characters by doing good things just to deceive people so we cannot entirely look and judge people by what they do because this does not define who they are.
Sometimes what we do affects our attitude but that does not mean people should determine our true characters by what we do but by who we are deep down in our hearts.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
The sadness in your eyes

We all have those moments when you feel like giving up as if the world is the worst place for you. no matter how hard you try, life does not seem to get right.
You might think that you are the only one who has problems and ask god "why me"? You feel as if God is punishing you and is focusing on everyone else except you. Sometimes we have to face reality, we cannot have good days all the time eve on this earth it's not always a shiny day, there are times when the storm has to come and throw away evrything and whe thatday comes we have to hold on fast, we have to be stronger and make sure that we are prepared.
Rememmber those days would bring out so much sadness in your eyes but you have to be brave, think of all people who are suffering in this world, think of the homeless, rape victims and people who have gone through worse things than you. Never let the sadness in your eyes dissapoint you but let it be a lesson that will teach you to be stronger and appreciate life as it comes.
We will all go through bad days but do not let them bring sadness to your eyes.......
We are afraid of the wrong things

Sometimes the thing we fear the most are simple things that we should not be afraid of.
I remember in my first year i had to do a speech in front of all public relations management students, that was the scariest moment of my life. Everyday i would practice my speech and would think of the crowd and shake. When the presentation day came, i tried to fake a headache, a stomach bug and I even wished that i could have an accident so that I would miss my presentation but I knew there was no turning back I had to face my fears and raise my voice in a room full of students and guess what, i managed to say all the right words and felt so proud of myself.
After the presentation i thought to myself what if I got an accident that day, which one would be more scarier, the accident or the speech? from that day i knew that sometimes we fear the unknown because we do not believe in ourselves and we get afraid of all the wrong things that could actually bring out the best in us.
[image from]
Friday, March 9, 2012
fish falling from the sky

In this world all the things that we thought were impossible become possible, who have thought of seeing a fish fall from the sky?
I recently read an article on the web about a small town in Australia who eperienced this traumatic incident. Lajamanu is situated 400 miles South of Darwin in Australia's Northern Territory and people got a shock of their lives when they saw fishes falling from the sky instead of rain. Some took buckets so that these fishes would fall into them and some were so amazed by this ordeal that they watched on their windows, scared to come out of their houses to see what was really happening on that unregular rainy day.
Scientists and research found out that this ordeal was mainly caused by tornados. They suck up fishes from the rivers and throw them wherever they want to and then the fishes would be scattered all over the places. so wherever you see fishes coming from the sky do not seem ti be amazed, just take a bucket and pick them up for supper mayb it is God's gift to his children
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Things that makes me smile

Sometimes people seem to think that the only thing that can put a smile on a person's face can be bought but to me it's the little things that makes me smile.
I never grew up in a rich family or had a comfortable, advantaged background as I wish i'd have but I grew up in a warm and loving family. Like other chidren in my community my mom managed to make sure that I had everything I needed and made sure she got me a present on every christmas. Thosse are the little things that made me smile, a secure home, a loving family and a good neighbourhood.
I always smile when I see peace in the world and when everybody is happy ang getting along with each other. Achievement also puts a big smile on my face, when i work on something i always get scared and ask myself "what if it does not work out"? but if i=I manage to succeed i just smile and keep on doing it. Being around friends who cares so much and who appreciate me makes me alot happier.
The thimgs that makes us smile are the things that keep us going so make sure that you are around people who puts a smile on your face rather than those who always get you down.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Dreams can come true

If you dream big and hold on fast to your dream then you can be whatever you want in life. dreams can be easily achieved if you are willing to work harder and be patient for them.
I remember the time i finished matric and used to play and wear my sister's graduation gown, my dream was to finish my degree and become a lawyer, but because of financial problems i had to take a gap year and stay at home after matric. It was the most difficult phase in my life, I felt that this was the end of the road for me and lost hope that I would never graduate and reach my dreams.I would sometimes sit at home and cry because at the time I had nothing to do and all my friends were out there furthering their education.
I told myself that I can do this, I will apply at CPUT, I will work harder until I become what i want in life. My parents also managed to save money for me to go to school and the following year I came to Cape Town and decided to study Public relations management. It was the longest three years of my life but i knew that the road I decided to take will not be easy so I came prepared and ready for my journey
I am now doing my Bachelor of Technology and looking forward to graduating for my National Diploma in April. A dream come true!!!
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