We all have those moments when you feel like giving up as if the world is the worst place for you. no matter how hard you try, life does not seem to get right.
You might think that you are the only one who has problems and ask god "why me"? You feel as if God is punishing you and is focusing on everyone else except you. Sometimes we have to face reality, we cannot have good days all the time eve on this earth it's not always a shiny day, there are times when the storm has to come and throw away evrything and whe thatday comes we have to hold on fast, we have to be stronger and make sure that we are prepared.
Rememmber those days would bring out so much sadness in your eyes but you have to be brave, think of all people who are suffering in this world, think of the homeless, rape victims and people who have gone through worse things than you. Never let the sadness in your eyes dissapoint you but let it be a lesson that will teach you to be stronger and appreciate life as it comes.
We will all go through bad days but do not let them bring sadness to your eyes.......
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